After the 'p2p' meeting last week arranged by David. It's well nice just to get together with your group's people and have a little chat about how everyone's getting on with their current project before the interim crit.
I started to look around all the buildings in town that interesting me and inspiriting me. I showed some research that i'd done at the meeting, at the time, i was still on the stage of exploring things and looking around researching.
what can I do?
As we were told not to set your mind too early or into doing something you've already known, so I tried not to think about the outcome of my final design, how I would want it to be.
I was visiting the Barbican Centre the other day and I saw a poster, which was called "exploring Barbican architecture tour". First of all, I thought that was brilliant as I am doing something relates to buildings and personally I'm fascinated about the design of Barbican Art Centre and the structure of Barbican estates as well, I've been visited quite many times but never really had a change to know more about it, then, I booked and went today, it was interesting, a lot of history and things like how's been designed, redesigned and built, also what's so unique about it comparing to other buildings in london or even the whole europe.