This is a collaborative project by Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda, is a suave attempt to question the future of one of our most treasured mediums, print. Their idea is simple, but their execution sublime- the pair take pages from found books, detach them from their original spine and re-bind them anew with some beautifully crafted graphic thrown in for good measure. The pace that their technique creates is wonderful, and much to out pleasure, the archive is gleefully being added to regularly.
The book objects are each made from pages of existing books removed from their bindings and rebound as one. Some of these series loosely relate to each other via a third element: geometrical shapes abstracted from the images, computer-edited, and overprinted on the originals. The disparate image stocks become intertwined and open on one another. Having transcended any thematic organization, the loose pages now have the potential to amalgamate into an infinite number of new books. In so doing, they yield a library that defies conventional categorisation.
infinite [in-fin-it]
1. having no limits or boundaries in time, space, extent, or size
2. extremely or immeasurably great or numerous: infinite wealth
3. Maths having an unlimited or uncountable number of digits, factors, or terms
infinitely adv
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